Friday, February 13, 2009

The Me Monster

So Brian Regan has this really funny bit (and I totally won't do it justice) but it's about how some people can become or already are "me monsters". Whenever there is a group discussion going on they always have to chime in with something that they themselves did in order to some how "one-up" the other person.
Anyway...long story short is that I've been meaning to blog about this for some time but haven't had the chance to do so and will now do it. However, timing isn't perfect and so now I look like a "me monster". I in no way want to detract from Brian's photography success...I just want to inform everyone of my big news.
So here goes...
drum roll please...

I recently found out that I have been accepted into the Washington State University Masters in Teaching Program!


Some of you may respond as many have already with a "well, duh". But in reality this is not the case. What with the recent economic upheaval that has been going on around the country the university has had to make some serious budget cuts (like turning off the heat in Fulmer (and all other buildings but I only care about Fulmer) after noon every day in an effort to save some money. Personally I think not having the lights on at all hours of the night would save some money too and maybe the heat could be left on until say 5pm after labs are done...but what do I know). Anyway, sidetrack finished. Well what with major budget cuts they ended up cutting a large section of the education program targeted specifically at the Masters in Teaching Program making it a much smaller program. So while some of you may have had total confidence in my abilities...I did not. And so when I got in I was both relieved and super excited. So much so that I told everyone I came into contact with that night about it...even relative strangers. So long story short I got in and I'm super excited because this is what I've been busting my butt for for the last few years and its just a huge relief to know that it wasn't all in vain.

So now that I'm done with my "me monster" bit I apologise as always for the relative cyber silence that has been going on on my will probably continue for a few more months (I believe Brandon said it's something like 85 more days). I am not your typical senior and have quite a heavy load for myself this semester and so am backlogged with posts. One day I know I'll make a better contribution. But until then know that I'm thinking of you all, either while I'm working or while I'm freezing my butt off in Fulmer (I'm always here after noon!)


Amy Bateman said...

Woo hoo Kelly! That's awesome. Then again, I'm kind of partial to teachers!

Anonymous said...

Hurray Kelly!!! Congrats!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Kelly! It's always a relief to finally know. At least you aren't in Michelle's shoes.

Anonymous said...

Yes, we admit that we were in the group that KNEW you would get in! You are too great!
We are so happy for you!
Love and kisses,
M and D

acp08 said...

"I walked on the moon"

I went to high school with Brian